Best Low Acid Coffee – Top 10 For Sensitive Stomachs


Chris Clark

Chris Clark is the co-founder and chief content editor of With a passion for all things java, Chris has been a coffee blogger for the past 3 years and shares his expertise in coffee brewing with the readers. He's a hands-on expert, loves testing coffee equipment, and has written most of the in-depth reviews featured on the site. When he's not whipping up delicious drinks or experimenting with the latest coffee gadgets, Chris is exploring the local cafe. You can reach him at [email protected].

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Our society runs on coffee. It’s undeniable. Many of us wake up and need a fresh cup of joe to get us started in the morning or night to do what we need to do. However, some of us, including me, sometimes have a terrible reaction to coffee, which could result from what is known as coffee acid. 

To help you get back to loving coffee, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten best low acid coffee for coffee lovers with sensitive stomachs. We have included each product’s specific benefits, so take a look to find out which low acid coffee is best for you. 

Is Your Coffee Too Acidic For You

If coffee is too acidic for you, you might experience a number of symptoms. Most commonly, people with sensitive stomachs complain of acid reflux, a burning feeling that can move from your stomach to your throat or abdomen. Gastroesophageal reflux is a more serious, chronic form of acid reflux that can also result from coffee acidity. 

Even if you don’t feel pain, you could still suffer from the effects of coffee acidity. Notably, the wearing down of tooth enamel is often a sign that your coffee is too acidic, weakening your teeth and gums’ strength and often leading to further issues. It can compromise your stomach lining in rare cases, leading to more severe forms of the above-listed symptoms. 

Different coffee drinkers have their own coffee drinking habits, visit our coffee bean hub for more options.

How To Choose The Best Low-Acid Coffee

There are several things to keep in mind before deciding on a great low-acid coffee and some things that may confuse you in the process. 

Don’t Be Confused By Coffee Acid and Acidity

When researching coffee acid, you may have come across flavor profiles of coffee beans that include acidity as one of the defining traits. Don’t be confused by this because coffee acid and acidity flavor notes aren’t the same things. If you buy a bean with a low acidity flavor, you may still experience the same problems related to coffee acid. 

Experts measure coffee acidity on a pH scale that ranges from 0 to 14. The neutral benchmark, water is at 7 on the pH scale. Your stomach acid is 1, most black coffee is at a pH of 5. As such, you must keep an eye out for a less acidic level rather than the acidity flavor profile. Although pH scale is definitely not a uniform measurement, it can help you compare typical coffee brands to lower acidity coffee brands. 

Also, there are two main types of acid found in coffee roasts: chlorogenic and quinic acid. Chlorogenic acid is an organic acid present in the raw bean and has a biological effect on the drinker’s body. 

The process that breaks down chlorogenic acid also creates quinic acid. Quinic acid affects the coffee’s taste more than the actual pH balance and is associated with coffee that has sat on the burner for too long. 

Low-acid Coffee Type: 

green beans

There are two categories of low acid coffee: coffee naturally low in acid and beans treated to reduce acid levels after they’re grown.

Inadvertent Low Acid Coffees

Coffee beans are grown all over the world, and each bean’s environment dramatically impacts acidity in coffee. Some beans are naturally low acid, while others grow with a higher acid level. The environment, including the soil, climate, mineral composition, and growing technique, can all affect the coffee’s acidity level. 

Most often, beans grown in low-altitude environments have less acid, such as those grown in Brazil, Sumatra, Peru, and Mexico. However, there are other kinds of coffee beans grown in those same regions with higher pH levels just because they are grown at higher elevations.  

Treated Low Acid Coffees

Other types of coffee treatments reduce the natural level of acidity present in the beans and the roast. Sometimes this is done with growing techniques, and other times lower acidity is achieved through chemical treatment or wash. 

Light Roast vs. Dark Roast Coffee Acidity


As a coffee lover, you should know that there is a difference between light and dark roasts. Coffee producers roast beans less than a dark roast to produce a light roast, giving it a lighter complexion and less overall bitterness. 

However, you might not know that light and dark roasts affect the acids depending on how long and how intensely the manufacturers roast the beans. Because light roasted beans have a higher level of chlorogenic acid, their pH level also tends to be higher. Longer roast times break down the chlorogenic acid and convert it into quinic acid, reducing the pH level even further. 

Top 10 Low-Acid Coffee Brands

Without further ado, here is our list of the top ten best low acid coffee brands for people with sensitive stomachs. 

1. Fabula Coffee

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If you are looking for single-origin organic low acid coffee beans, we highly recommend Fabula coffee. We tried their beans in light, medium, and dark roasts with different brewing methods. The cup quality was always excellent in our test.

Unlike many low-acid coffee brands that use beans at lower altitudes, coffee from Fabula is shade-grown at higher altitudes in Peru and Mexico. The climate and growing conditions allow the coffee cherries to develop more complex flavor profiles. We didn’t find a pronounced acidity even in light roast coffee brewed with pour-over. It was smooth and balanced with lots of sweetness and a rich aroma.


The beans delivered to us were incredibly fresh. From their appearance, we could tell they were carefully picked and evenly roasted.


Fabula coffee also offers K-cup pods with 25% extra coffee compared to regular pods. You can have higher quality coffee with a more intense flavor without upsetting your stomach. All their coffees are 100% USDA-certified organic. Here is our full review of Fabula Coffee. I sampled some of their coffees, here is my Fabular coffee review.

2. Tyler’s No Acid Organic Coffee Beans – 100% Arabica Full Flavor

Tylers Coffees is another low acidity coffee brand. The founder, Tyler Ornstein’s father, could not enjoy coffee because of its acidity, so they research and created an acid-free coffee and founded Tylers Coffees in 2004.

They only use USDA-certified organic, 100% Arabica coffee beans from Chiapas, Mexico, a high-altitude region. The cold weather the area experiences contribute to the great soil quality that results in an extremely low acid bean.

What sets Tyler’s Coffee apart from the rest of the pack is its secret roasting process that strips the beans of harmful tannins and lipid acids. Also, they carefully monitor and computerize the roasting to ensure each batch is near-neutral pH and contains less acidity, making it an excellent acid-free choice for people with sensitive stomachs.

This non-acidic coffee tastes milder without a bitter aftertaste and not as strong as typical coffee. Some people like it, some dislike it. However, it reduces acid intake that worsens problems like heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux and prevents tooth enamel decay that many other coffees intensify. It’s worth being on your radar if you miss your morning coffee.

3. Lucy Jo’s Coffee, Organic Mellow Belly Low Acid Blend

If you’re one of the many people who miss your favorite coffee but don’t miss the effect it has on your body, Lucy Jo’s Coffee might be the perfect blend for you. A family-run business located in upstate New York, Lucy Jo’s sources its blend from Indonesia and Brazil. 

While this isn’t a single-origin coffee blend, there are no filler beans added to the mix, ensuring every bean’s quality in the bag. Without additional acidity lower processing, this coffee roaster only selects the natural low acid beans.

Although the beans themselves are low in acid, the medium-dark roast method they employ reduces excess acid even further. Mellow Belly’s pH is approximately 5.6, which is lower than a typical cup of black coffee.

Many customers of Lucy Jo’s are in awe of the change in their bodies after starting to drink the coffee. Some had given up on coffee altogether but found that they didn’t experience any heartburn whatsoever after a cup of Lucy Jo’s. If you have a sensitive digestive system, then Lucy Jo’s Coffee is a great option to try. 

4. Tieman’s Fusion Coffee, Low Acid Medium Roast

Next up is a unique coffee blend known as Fusion Coffee from Tieman’s, an excellent low acid coffee brand with a mind for the environment and personal wellbeing. 

Tieman’s fusion coffee grinds the 100% Arabica beans and blends them with goji berry, Matcha green tea, Rooibos red tea and goji to mellow the flavor and acids. The result is a close to neutral pH coffee that’s a fantastic option for people with sensitive stomachs. It tastes smooth but not weak or super fruity despite with different natural ingredients in the coffee.

While many low acid coffee brands help prevent stomach aches from occurring, Tieman’s helps actually to alleviate stomach pains. The green and red tea leaves are naturally anti-inflammatory. What’s more, it provides five times the body’s daily requirement for antioxidant protection.

If you’re in the market for an antioxidant-rich coffee with a complex and delicious taste, then Tieman’s Fusion Coffee might be your best option. 

5. Java Planet — Low Acid Colombia Organic Coffee Beans

Another best-selling single-origin coffee, Java Planet Low Acid Colombia Organic Coffee Beans, are shade-grown in the excellent soil quality and climate in the high altitudes of Colombia. Also, this USDA-certified organic and GMO-free coffee is grown without pesticides.

Unlike some of the other brands we’ve included on this list, Java Planet sends out their packages as whole beans rather than pre-ground. Not only does this help sustain the flavor of the beans, but it also reduces the amount of oil the beans excrete. So it presents the full-body, mild acidity and a balanced flavor.

The medium-dark roast further reduces the acids of the beans. Java Planet is the right choice that lets you enjoy your favorite cup of coffee without suffering from the discomfort caused by acidity.

6. Mommee Coffee – Low Acid Decaf Coffee

Another aspect of caffeine and coffee acid on the body that we haven’t discussed is the negative effect on unborn children. While a moderate amount of caffeine doesn’t have negative effects during pregnancies, women who drink an excessive amount of coffee risk congenital disabilities and other developmental issues. So during pregnancy, you need a low-acidity coffee and pay attention to the daily caffeine consumption.

Mommee Coffee seeks to solve this issue for pregnant coffee-connoisseurs, producing a decaf, low acid coffee blend with excellent taste. Mommee uses water processing, which is a chemical-free method to decaffeinate the coffee. However, if you desperately need that caffeine to get through the day, Mommee Coffee also offers quarter-caf, half-caf, and full-caf blends to satisfy your cravings. So you can enjoy a cup of coffee in all stages of motherhood.

Always don’t forget to listen to the doctors and healthcare consultants.

7. Volcanica Low Acid Coffee

An excellent blend of naturally low-acid coffee beans from many different low-altitude areas worldwide, Volcania derives its name from the volcanic soil where the beans grow. 

You may be wary of any medium roast blend, including Volcania Low Acid Coffee. However, Volcania sources naturally low-acid beans, meaning that even with a medium roast, the beans have a lower acidity level on average than other brands. You can have the robust flavor profile of their various blends without submitting to stomach discomfort after a cup or two. 

Most blends that Volcanica offers are also washed, meaning there aren’t as many oils present on the surface of the bean before roasting, further reducing the acids. The total pH is around 5.2 to 5.3.

If you don’t have a very sensitive stomach but sometimes complain of stomach cramps or acid reflux as a result of too many cups of coffee, then Volcanica is the perfect blend for you. 


8. Healthwise Colombian Supremo Low Acid

At number eight on our ranking is Healthwise Colombian Supremo Low Acid, a coffee bean blend with an incredibly high pH of 6.18. It selects 100% Colombian Arabica beans, the low acid content is great for sensitive stomachs, reducing the likelihood of various ailments such as acid reflux, indigestion, and gastroesophageal reflux.  

Healthwise comes in both caffeinated and decaf varieties, allowing you to further reduce your acid intake if necessary. It uses the Swiss Water method, so you are essentially guaranteed that there are as little caffeine and acid as possible in the blend. 

The unique Techno Roasting process also maintains antioxidant and mineral content levels often stripped by other acid-reduction methods, giving you a healthy balance of nutrition and low acid content. 

However, Healthwise only provides ground coffee, and whole bean coffee is not available.

9. Koffee Kult Coffee Dark Roasted Beans

A high-quality fair-trade coffee blend, Koffee Kult Coffee Dark Roasted Beans are a fantastic option for caffeine-fanatics with stomach issues. 

Although the dark roast maintains excellent flavor no matter what grind you like, its main draw is the balanced acid content of the beans. They are sourced from low-altitude areas in Sumatra, Colombia, and Brazil, where beans have a naturally less acidic content but retain an exceptionally robust flavor profile. If you are a fan of rich-flavored and robust coffee, this is the option that satisfies your taste buds.

When you brew Koffee Kult Coffee Dark Roasted Beans, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much a single cup hits you. Without the need for more than a few cups per day, your stomach and teeth will thank you. 

10. Puroast Low Acid Coffee, Organic French Roast

Rounding off our list of the best low acid coffees is Puroast, an organic french roast grown in low-altitude Venezuelan rainforests. 

One of the main selling points of Puroast is that it has seven times more antioxidants than green tea. Combined with over 70% less acidity than other leading coffee brands, the anti-inflammatory effects of the antioxidants will improve your stomach health rather than just prevent problems from cropping up. 

Also, it is a dark french roast in the wood fire that further reduces the acid content once you make your brew. The coffee beans grown in Venezuelan soil have a naturally low acid content so that the dark roast will balance your palette, stomach, and tooth health perfectly. What’s more, it’s a certified kosher option.

Other Ways to Lower the Coffee’s Acidity

Aside from natural acidity levels due to roast and bean quality, there are other ways to raise your coffee’s pH levels. 

Cold Brew Coffee Is Worth Trying

cold brew instruction infographic

Although cold-brew is commercialized to be iced coffee, there is actually a distinct difference between the two. While iced coffee is just regular coffee over ice, cold brew is a specific process of leaching the flavor of coffee beans by steeping them in cold water for a period of 12 to 24 hours. 

Due to this process, cold brewing has less acid than regular coffee made with hot water. Steeping in cold water leads to the beans excreting fewer oils and acid compounds, resulting in a relatively higher overall pH level [1]. Of course, the pH can not precisely measure the complex acid chemistry extracted from both hot and cold brewing. It’s worth a try since many coffee lovers enjoy cold brew without the unpleasant side effects.

If you have a sensitive stomach, try making a cold brew coffee to reduce the acid levels in your morning cup of joe. Also, cold brews typically have a higher caffeine concentration, potentially leading you to drink even less coffee than you would otherwise. 

Decaf Coffee Is a Good Option

Decaf coffee is regular coffee with the caffeine removed from the beans either by the Swiss Water processing techniques or by applying organic chemical compounds that remove caffeine molecules. 

A study by the Cleveland Clinic found that decaf coffee helped those suffering from Chronic Acid Reflux and fit in nicely to a GERD diet. 

However, decaf coffee obviously has its drawbacks, especially for coffee snobs who need the extra boost a caffeinated coffee can provide. Decaf coffee is not completely decaffeinated, but it won’t have the same caffeine levels as a bean that manufacturers haven’t treated using the above methods. We tested and picked the best decaf coffee brands here for your reference.

Benefits of Low Acid Coffee

There are several benefits to drinking less acidic coffee that can apply to both those with sensitive stomachs and those without. 

Better for Your Stomach

There are several stomach conditions that high-acid coffee can exacerbate. Heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux are two examples where your stomach produces and redirects more acid to your abdomen and throat when you consume coffee with higher acidity levels. 

If you are one of the frequent coffee drinkers, choosing low acid coffee beans is definitely better.

Better for Your Teeth

Tooth enamel is what protects your teeth from external forces, like chewing, biting, crunching, and grinding. High acid coffee degrades your teeth’s layer of enamel, potentially leading them to crack or break under pressure more easily.

Also, having little to no enamel can make you more sensitive to extreme temperatures. Many people complain of shooting pain in their teeth’ roots when exposing them to very cold or hot liquids. 

Consuming low acid coffee is a great way to protect your enamel from the acid found in normal coffee brews. 

Final Thoughts – There are always choices for a coffee fan

Every coffee brand we’ve included on this list is a fantastic option for those with sensitive stomachs. In the coffee world, it’s hard to judge which one is best for everyone. You’ll need to taste by yourself and try to find the combination of flavor and near-neutral pH that makes like the best. Luckily there are so many high-quality coffee blends or specialty coffee that are in lower acid levels.

The bottom line is, no matter which coffee blend you choose, we’re sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how good your stomach feels after a few cups. It’s time to start drinking coffee again, this time without fear!

About Chris Clark

Chris Clark is the co-founder and chief content editor of With a passion for all things java, Chris has been a coffee blogger for the past 3 years and shares his expertise in coffee brewing with the readers. He's a hands-on expert, loves testing coffee equipment, and has written most of the in-depth reviews featured on the site. When he's not whipping up delicious drinks or experimenting with the latest coffee gadgets, Chris is exploring the local cafe.