Tanzania Peaberry Coffee Beans – Facts, Flavor and Brands to Try


Chris Clark

Chris Clark is the co-founder and chief content editor of BrewCoffeeHome.com. With a passion for all things java, Chris has been a coffee blogger for the past 3 years and shares his expertise in coffee brewing with the readers. He's a hands-on expert, loves testing coffee equipment, and has written most of the in-depth reviews featured on the site. When he's not whipping up delicious drinks or experimenting with the latest coffee gadgets, Chris is exploring the local cafe. You can reach him at [email protected].

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Are you a coffee enthusiast seeking a unique variety and exceptional taste in coffee? You have come to the right place. In this post, we will introduce a peaberry coffee from Tanzania with vibrant color and distinct flavor.

Read on to discover more about Tanzania peaberry coffee beans.

Tanzania coffee is a must-try for coffee connoisseurs. This coffee has an entire body with bright acidity, natural fruity sweetness and lingering aftertaste, making it one of the most popular coffees.

Peaberry coffee cherries have a single round seed with a ridge running through the middle due to only being fertilized on one side. The beans are small and dense, with a smooth, clean taste that’s full of flavor. Due to their tastier flavor than a typical coffee bean, these Tanzanian peaberry beans are considered a unique variety of coffee beans.

Tanzanian peaberry beans are grown in the highlands of Tanzania on Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru. The coffee is produced at a high altitude above sea level. The climate and soil are very different from those of other developing regions, resulting in coffee’s distinctive character. Kilimanjaro coffee, a well-known coffee in Africa, is grown here, and the Tanzanian peaberry coffee.


Tanzania Coffee Flavor Profile

In general, most coffee beans from Tanzania have an acidity that is lively or even wine-like. It’s often described as having a “clean” taste and is often used in blends to add complexity. The coffee beans are usually medium to dark, with low-to-moderate oil on the surface.

Coffee from Tanzania has a medium body, similar to other African-origin coffees. There is also often a mild earthy flavor in the background of coffee from Tanzania. The aroma of Tanzania coffee can be reminiscent of flowers, fruit, or herbs, with notes of berries. The taste of Tanzania coffee can be fruity and floral, which makes this coffee an excellent choice for blending.


History of Tanzania Coffee

Coffee is a plant native to Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula. Coffee arrived in Tanzania during the 16th century by traders and explorers from a French island off the east coast of Africa. It is believed that ancient people chewed coffee beans for their stimulating effects. In addition, the Haya Tribe used coffee beans as currency. [1]

Additionally, with the aid of German missionaries, coffee was widely introduced to the region in the 18th century. As a cash crop, coffee cultivation got started. The Germans reduced the tribal chiefs’ ability to regulate coffee production, which made it possible for coffee plantations to spread more widely.

It wasn’t until after World War II that commercial production began in earnest. In 1939, Tanzania produced roughly 4,600 tons of coffee per year. In 1970, Tanzania exported approximately 20,000 tons; however, following that year, the country suffered from poor crop yields due to various problems, including drought. The country’s production has fluctuated over the years, but it is currently one of the largest coffee producers in Africa. [2]

Facts About Tanzania Coffee Production

Coffee farming is one of the primary sources of income in Tanzania. Coffee production in Tanzania has been growing steadily over the past few decades, and this trend is expected to continue as new coffee-growing areas develop. Here are some facts about Tanzania’s coffee production.

Tanzania Coffee Growing Regions

The central coffee-growing regions in Tanzania are Moshi, Arusha, and Karatu in the north. In the south part of Tanzania, coffee grows in Mbinga, Mbeya, and Iringa. While in the west of Tanzania, Coffee growing regions include Kigoma.

Coffee Production

Coffee production in Tanzania is a big deal. Most of this coffee comes from small farms that have been around for generations. They’re often family-run and use traditional farming practices to produce their beans. The coffee farmers who grow these beans are known as smallholders because they don’t own large tracts of land but instead work on small plots.

Coffee Varieties

Most Tanzanian coffee is Arabica, which makes up 70% of its production. The main variety grown in Tanzania is Bourbon, followed by Typica, Kent, and Catimor. These varieties are planted across the country’s highlands and lowlands that receive regular rainfall. Arabica beans are considered superior because they have a more complex taste than Robusta beans and contain less caffeine.

The 30% coffee variety in Tanzania is Robusta, which is mainly grown in the southern part of the country. Robusta beans are longer than Arabica and contain more caffeine, but they also produce a slightly less flavorful cup of coffee.


How coffee is processed depends on the type of bean and its intended use. Robusta coffee is typically naturally processed—that is, it’s dried in the sun on patios or drying tables. Natural processing allows more of a coffee’s natural oils to remain intact, which means that Robusta coffee tends to have a more robust aroma than Arabica.

Most Arabica beans in Tanzania are washed and processed, which means that the fruit is removed from the bean during processing. Washed coffee is generally considered higher quality than natural processed coffee because washed beans tend to have a smoother flavor and a lower acidity.

Tanzania Coffee Grading System

The Tanzania Coffee Grading System [3] is used to classify the quality of coffee, which significantly impacts its price.

The highest grade is given, starting with AAA, AA, A, B, PB, C, E, F, AF, TT, UG, and TEX. Tanzanian peaberry coffee has one of the highest grades, which is why it is highly sought after globally.

Best Brewing Method for Tanzania Peaberry Coffee Beans?

The best brewing method for Tanzania peaberry beans is a matter of personal preference but also depends on what kind of drinker you are and what type of experience you want in the morning. Here’s a quick overview of all the options.

If you’re looking for the best method for brewing Tanzania peaberry coffee beans, look no further than the pour-over method. This method is a personal choice for many specialty and particular coffee enthusiasts and professionals; however, it requires more work than most other methods. If you have time to spare and want to brew your cup of high-quality coffee at home, this may be what you need.


Drip-brew coffee makers tend to enhance the acidity of peaberry beans, although they may diminish the flavors associated with light roasts. The ideal way to prepare medium roasted coffee beans is by using this method, especially if the roast is closer to dark than light.

French Press coffee is an excellent brewing method for Tanzania peaberry. If you like a medium roast or dark roast coffee, the French press will bring out your coffee’s richness and depth of taste. This technique involves pouring hot water over ground beans, giving them time to steep before pressing down on them with a plunger.

Cold brew Tanzania peaberry may also be made using a French press. Cold brew coffee is less acidic than conventional iced coffee because it has been brewed for hours instead of minutes at high heat levels that extract undesirable tannins from the beans’ husks into your drink.

Where To Buy Tanzania Coffee?

Tanzanian peaberry coffee has grown in popularity over the years, and there are now multiple varieties. You can buy some of the best Tanzania peaberry coffee brands online, and here are our recommended online stores:

Volcanica Tanzania Peaberry Coffee

In the Ngorongoro Crater, on the Nitin Estate, Volcanica Tanzania Peaberry Coffee is farmed. This single estate micro-lot coffee has a substantial body and an intense flavor with fragrant aromas of orange peel and dried fruit. It’s also beautifully acidic with mellow winy undertones that balance its finish perfectly.

This organic, certified fair trade coffee is kosher, Rainforest Alliance, and UTZ certified (with all three certifications ensuring that this coffee has been grown responsibly).

It’s a medium roast in a washed process which means that it is wet processed using water to wash off most of the beans’ outer skin before drying them out in an airy warehouse.

Fresh Roasted Coffee

Another online brand to consider is French Roasted Coffee. Its Tanzanian peaberry coffee is an uncommon coffee variety with flavors of lemon, peach, and black tea. It has a smooth taste and rich body that is perfect for all-day coffee drinkers or after-dinner with dessert.

Their Tanzanian Mbeya Bourbon coffee is single origin and mild roasted pasteurized sun-dried farm washed to produce this wonderful blend.

They roast their coffee in an environmentally friendly process to lessen their carbon footprint. French roasted coffee is proudly roasted, blended, packaged in the United States, responsibly sourced, and Kosher certified.

Stone Street Coffee

Stone Street Coffee is another online store to consider for quality Tanzanian peaberry coffee. They are committed to sourcing only the highest quality beans and supporting farmers worldwide through fair trade practices. They get their Tanzanian peaberry coffee from their associates at Sweet Unity, a family-run farm in Tanzania.

This coffee has a clean, crisp, full-bodied, and smooth flavor, with a lovely finish that is not overbearing. It is kosher-certified and has a dark roast. Their Tanzanian Peaberry can be ground to your specifications and is offered in three bag sizes: small (2 ounces), medium (12 ounces), or large (16 ounces).

They can specially grind your coffee beans to the ideal fineness for espresso, drip coffee, or French press.


Tanzania peaberry coffee is a rare but glorious gem that all coffee lovers should try. Peaberry beans have the same essential elements that produce a delicious cup of coffee. Whether you savor the taste and aroma of this fine bean or use it in your blends for an added layer of complexity, Tanzania peaberry coffee beans are well worth exploring.


[1] A guide to roasting Tanzanian coffee beans – https://mtpak.coffee/2022/12/tanzanian-coffee-exploring-flavours-history/

[2] The development of coffee cultivation across Tanzania as exemplified by the Bukoba and Moshi regions – https://d31kydh6n6r5j5.cloudfront.net/uploads/sites/75/2019/05/coffee_poster.pdf

[3] TANZANIA COFFEE INDUSTRY PROFILE – http://www.coffeeboard.or.tz/tzcoffee_%20profile.php

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Chris Clark

Chris Clark is the co-founder and chief content editor of BrewCoffeeHome.com. With a passion for all things java, Chris has been a coffee blogger for the past 3 years and shares his expertise in coffee brewing with the readers. He's a hands-on expert, loves testing coffee equipment, and has written most of the in-depth reviews featured on the site. When he's not whipping up delicious drinks or experimenting with the latest coffee gadgets, Chris is exploring the local cafe.